The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

Trainee teacher E.V. Lytvynenko actively participated in the international workshop

Kyiv, 3rd April 2024 – Lecturer-trainee Yevheniia Vasylivna Lytvynenko took an active part in a workshop organised to support the TISC network members. The workshop focused on a crucial topic: “Q&A: WIPO’s Specialised Patent Databases, a list of main educational materials for databases, WIPO patent landscapes, and guidelines for their development.”

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We invite you to enrol in the open online course “EU EXPERIENCE ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN CYBERSPACE”

Запрошуємо до участі в новаторському онлайн-курсі “Досвід ЄС щодо захисту персональних даних в кіберпросторі”, що стартує в рамках проекту Модуля Жана Моне програми Erasmus+. Курс, розрахований на період 2023-2026 роки, ставить за мету надання глибоких знань і розвиток навичок у сфері захисту персональних даних відповідно до європейських стандартів.

Основною місією курсу є підготовка фахівців, здатних ефективно працювати з персональними даними, розуміючи їх значення і знайомі з правовими аспектами їх обробки. Учасники курсу дізнаються про ключові принципи захисту персональних даних, які закладені в європейському законодавстві, зокрема, в Загальному регламенті з захисту даних (GDPR).

Програма курсу передбачає детальний розгляд європейських нормативних актів, аналіз кіберзагроз та стратегій їх усунення, вивчення випадків порушення захисту даних та їх вплив на законодавство, а також оцінку діяльності наглядових органів ЄС. Окрема увага буде приділена впливу глобальних викликів та технологічних інновацій на сферу захисту персональних даних.

Цей курс є відкритим для всіх зацікавлених осіб, включаючи студентів, викладачів, юристів та представників громадських організацій, які бажають поглибити свої знання в області кібербезпеки та захисту даних. Це унікальна можливість для професіоналів і зацікавлених осіб ознайомитись з передовим досвідом ЄС, збагатити свій професійний досвід та підвищити рівень захисту персональних даних у своїй діяльності.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

Trainee teacher Yevgenia Lytvynenko took part in a webinar on the protection of intellectual property rights

Lecturer-intern of the Criminal Law and Procedure Department, Yevheniia Lytvynenko, participated in a webinar on the topic of “Intellectual Property: How to Protect Your Rights?” on 6 March 2024. The event was dedicated to general issues concerning intellectual property law, copyright, and specifically focused on the protection and enforcement of copyright.

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On March 4, 2024, an online lecture was held for applicants of the Educational Program “Intellectual Property”

In order to expand the knowledge of the students of the Educational Program “Intellectual Property” in the field of forensic examinations in the field of Intellectual Property March 4, 2024 Nataliya Kisil – Associate Professor of the Department of Intellectual Property and Private Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, leading researcher of the Kyiv branch of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Forensic Expertise named after Ex. Prof. M. S. Bokarius” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, candidate of agricultural sciences, senior researcher, held an online lecture for the applicants of the Ovitnaya Program “Intellectual Property”. During the lecture, the applicants had a unique opportunity to learn about modern approaches and methods of forensic examination in the field of intellectual property, as well as to receive valuable advice from a practitioner.


USAID Organized the Third Virtual Round Table: Cooperation between Ukraine and Great Britain in the Development of Legal Education – Improving Quality and Sharing Experiences

On March 1, 2024, the head of the Criminal Law and Procedure department Olha Bondarenko took part in the work of the Third virtual round table on the exchange of experience between teachers of Great Britain and Ukraine working on the development of legal education, organized by USAID.

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Associate Professor Mykhailo Dumchykov Participates in the Human Rights Club Meeting on “Privacy and Personal Data Protection”

A significant event for the human rights sector in Ukraine recently took place – the meeting of the Human Rights Club on “Privacy and Personal Data Protection”. Among the honoured participants was Mykhailo Dumchykov, an associate professor known for his contribution to the development of legal education and human rights protection.

The meeting covered a wide range of issues related to privacy and the protection of personal data in Ukraine. Yevhen Zakharov from the Kharkiv Human Rights Group shared his experience in addressing general privacy issues, offering solutions. Roman Romanov from the International Renaissance Foundation highlighted the international and Ukrainian challenges in this area.

A key agenda item was the discussion of the draft law on the protection of personal data, presented by Maksym Shcherbatyuk from the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union. He outlined the potential risks and challenges that could arise from its adoption.

Ulyana Shadska, a lawyer in the field of digital legislation and an expert on personal data protection, attracted particular attention with her report on the “Protection of Personal Data During War,” which focuses on the unique challenges the country faces under martial law conditions.

The meeting also served as a platform for open dialogue between speakers and participants. It provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas, posing questions, and seeking joint solutions to strengthen privacy and personal data protection in Ukraine. The participation of Mykhailo Dumchykov and other distinguished experts underscored the importance and relevance of the discussed issues, indicating the significance of further steps in this direction.

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The meeting of the Council of Young Scientists under the Sumy Regional Military Administration took place on February 27, 2024 at the base of Sumy State University!

On 27 February 2024, a significant event for the scientific community of Sumy region took place – the meeting of the Council of Young Scientists at the Sumy Regional Military Administration. The meeting served as a platform for discussing a number of important issues related to the organization of scientific work in the region and interaction between scientific institutions.

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