The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

SumDU Psychologists Help First-Year Students Strengthen Emotional Health and Build Team Spirit

The Psychological Service of SumDU continues to actively collaborate with first-year students from various faculties and institutes of the university, helping them adapt to the new learning environment and address psychological concerns. The meetings are conducted in a hybrid format, allowing more students to participate in dialogue and discussions.

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The associate professor of the Criminal Law and Procedure department took part in the event “Vitae Workshop: Career Planning for Researchers”

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Maryna Utkina, participated in the event “Vitae Workshop: Career Planning for Researchers,” which took place on October 10, 2024, in London. This workshop was organized by The British Academy Early Career Researcher Network and was aimed at early-career researchers, regardless of their academic background or funding sources.

The event was part of a series of workshops organized in collaboration with the international organization Vitae, which specializes in supporting the development of research professionals worldwide. The primary goal of the workshop was to provide young researchers with practical tools for planning their careers both within and outside of academia. Participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with current labor market trends, particularly regarding job application processes for academic and non-academic positions, interview preparation, and identifying key competencies essential for professional success.

In addition to discussing career planning options, the workshop program included interactive sessions where participants could assess their skills, motivation, and career aspirations. Special attention was given to developing individual career development plans, helping researchers effectively manage their careers in the dynamic environment of modern science. Maryna Utkina noted that the knowledge and advice gained would be valuable not only for her personal professional growth but also for further collaboration with colleagues and students within the department.


Lecture on Cyberbullying for Students of Sumy School No. 4 Named After Hero of Ukraine Oleksandr Anishchenko

У рамках тижня права, за ініціативи кафедри кримінально-правових дисциплін та судочинства, відбулася профорієнтаційна зустріч зі школярами 6-9 класів Комунальної установи Сумської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №4 імені Героя України Олександра Аніщенка Сумської міської ради. Майбутнім абітурієнтам була прочитана лекція на тему “Кібербулінг”, метою якої було ознайомлення учнів з проблемами онлайн-цькування та способами їх подолання. Під час заходу обговорювалися питання відповідальності за кібербулінг, захисту особистих даних та безпечної поведінки в інтернеті. Представником від Навчально-наукового інституту права був студентський директор Артем Крисько, який поділився своїм досвідом та надав практичні поради щодо протидії кібербулінгу. Артем зазначив важливість правової освіти для молоді та запросив учнів до подальшої співпраці з інститутом. Захід сприяв підвищенню правової обізнаності школярів та їх зацікавленості у сфері права, що є важливим кроком у формуванні свідомих та відповідальних громадян.

First-Year Report on the Implementation of the Educational Project ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE – ERASMUS2027 – 101125350 – “EUEPPDC”: EU Experience in the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace.

The Department of Criminal Law and Justice Reports on the Successful Completion of the First Year of the Educational Project Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Module.
The “EUEPPDC” project is dedicated to researching and implementing European experience in the protection of personal data in cyberspace.

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Associate Professor Marina Utkina participated in the event “AI in Research: How Young Researchers Can Shape the Future” hosted by the British Academy.

Marina Utkina took an active part in the scientific-practical event “AI in Research: How Young Researchers Can Shape the Future”, which took place on 18 September at the British Academy in London. The event brought together young researchers and leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence to discuss contemporary approaches to using AI in research activities. The programme featured presentations from renowned experts, including a keynote speech by Professor Edward Grefenstette from Google DeepMind. Panel discussions and brainstorming sessions focused on the prospects of applying AI across various scientific disciplines. Participation in this event highlights the crucial role young researchers play in shaping the future of science and leveraging cutting-edge technologies to tackle today’s scientific challenges.


Interactive Session for Freshmen with a Patrol Police Officer: A New Perspective on Law Enforcement

18 вересня 2024 року студенти 1 курсу спеціальності “Правоохоронна діяльність” взяли участь у відкритому занятті, яке провела інспектор із зв’язків з громадськістю Управління патрульної поліції в Сумській області, лейтенант поліції Марина Горьковська. Під час зустрічі лейтенант Горьковська розповіла про специфіку роботи патрульної поліції, основні принципи забезпечення громадського порядку та безпеки на дорогах. Вона поділилася реальними кейсами з власної практики, розповідаючи про виклики, з якими щодня стикаються правоохоронці, а також акцентувала увагу на важливості взаємодії поліції з громадськістю. Студенти з захопленням слухали, активно задавали питання та брали участь у дискусіях, що додало зустрічі інтерактивного характеру. Майбутні правоохоронці отримали цінну можливість дізнатися більше про практичну сторону своєї професії, що надихнуло їх на подальше навчання. Такі зустрічі допомагають формувати нове покоління професіоналів, які готові відповідати на сучасні виклики в галузі правопорядку та безпеки.

“PhD Student of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines Olena Tymoshenko Begins Internship at the University of Liverpool as Part of the Twinning Ukraine International Program”

Olena Tymoshenko, a PhD student of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines, has started her internship at the Faculty of Law and Social Justice of the University of Liverpool in September 2024. This opportunity is part of the Twinning Ukraine international program, which aims to support the development of Ukrainian scholars and foster the integration of Ukrainian universities into the European scientific and educational community.

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Lecture by Judge of the Zarichny District Court of Sumy, Mykola Shershak: “General Principles of Criminal Proceedings”

On 16 September 2024, students specialising in Law Enforcement had the opportunity to attend a lecture delivered by Mykola Shershak, a judge at the Zarichny District Court of Sumy. The lecture focused on the general principles of criminal proceedings, which play a crucial role in the education of future law enforcement officers.

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Participation in the conference “On the way to the NATO summit in Washington”

Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the KPDS department, took part in the conference “On the way to the NATO summit in Washington”. The event is organized by the joint efforts of the Center for Defense Strategies, CEO Club London and the Center for Geopolitics with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. The event became an excellent platform for exchanging opinions, establishing partnerships and defining strategic directions for NATO policy and Ukraine’s role in the changing global order.


Non-residential scholarship for participation in the Petr Jatsyk Program at the Munch School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto (Canada).

Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the department, received a non-residential scholarship to participate in the Petr Yatsyk Program at the Munch School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto (Canada). This Program will bring together Ukrainian scientists, civil servants, doctoral students and public figures, who will participate in regular virtual seminars led by teachers associated with the Petro Yatsik Program for the Study of Ukraine at the University of Toronto.

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