The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

Non-residential scholarship for participation in the Petr Jatsyk Program at the Munch School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto (Canada).

Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the department, received a non-residential scholarship to participate in the Petr Yatsyk Program at the Munch School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto (Canada). This Program will bring together Ukrainian scientists, civil servants, doctoral students and public figures, who will participate in regular virtual seminars led by teachers associated with the Petro Yatsik Program for the Study of Ukraine at the University of Toronto.

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Participation in the workshop “Integrating equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into teaching”

In the summer of 2024, Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the department, took part in the workshop “Integrating Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) into Teaching”, organized by the British Academy.
This event provided an opportunity for researchers to share their experiences and discuss ideas for the implementation of EDI in various aspects of the educational process. The workshop started with an introductory session on EDI at the University of Warwick, after which participants discussed their own experiences in groups. Three stages of teaching were considered: planning and preparation, conducting classes, and evaluation.


Participation of Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the CPDS Department, in a workshop organized by the British Academy and Vitae

On June 4, 2024, Maryna Utkina, associate professor of the department, took part in a workshop devoted to the issue of finding and securing funding for scientific research in Great Britain and Europe. The event began with a panel discussion with the participation of leading experts in the field of research and funding. The discussion was followed by an interactive workshop, during which the participants were able to deepen their knowledge about research funding opportunities and applying for scholarships and grants in Great Britain and Europe. The main topic was the question of the experience of applying for the British Academy Researchers at Risk scholarships. Different types of grants and resources for finding funding were also considered.


Research presentation at a conference at the University of Warwick

Associate professor of the department Maryna Utkina took part in the annual conference of the School of Law of the University of Warwick (Great Britain). The presentation was devoted to the topic of the possibility of using artificial intelligence in the field of financial monitoring in the context of combating and preventing financial crimes.


Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Justice, Mykhailo DUMCHYKOV, Successfully Completes Summer School at the University of Liverpool on “Fake News”

Mykhailo Dumchykov, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Justice, has successfully completed a summer professional development course at the University of Liverpool. The summer school, focused on the theme of “Fake News,” was designed to provide an in-depth study of issues related to the detection, analysis, and counteraction of misinformation in the media space.

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Successful completion of the Spring School of a Young Scientist 4.0

Ruslana DEGTYAR, PhD candidate of the Department of Criminal Law and Judiciary, successfully completed the Spring School of Young Scientist 4.0, which is confirmed by a certificate.
The School of a Young Scientist is a unique educational and scientific project organized by the Council of Young Scientists under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The event gathered post-graduate students (adjuncts) from various universities of the country and from various fields of science. During four weeks, the participants attended lectures from leading experts and took part in practical master classes.


Successful Conclusion of the Summer School on “Data Protection and Cybersecurity: European Experience in the Context of Military Conflict”

From June 17th to 21st, the academic and research institute of law of Sumy State University hosted a Summer School as part of the Jean Monnet educational project under the EU Erasmus+ program (101125350 – EUEPPDC – ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE) titled “EU Experience in Data Protection in Cyberspace”. This event served as a forum for discussing pressing issues of cybersecurity and data protection against a backdrop of increasing cyber threats in Europe and globally.

The event was attended by over 130 individuals, including academics, higher education students, school pupils, as well as representatives from government and local authorities. The Summer School brought together participants from various regions of Ukraine, facilitating the exchange of experiences and fostering new professional relationships.

The program was comprehensive, consisting of 8 hours of lectures and 8 hours of practical sessions conducted on the modern platform, Examenarium. The lectures covered a broad range of topics from theoretical foundations of data protection to the analysis of specific cases of cyberattacks and their mitigation methods.

Particular attention was given to the practical aspects of information protection. Participants had the opportunity to practice skills in identifying cyber threats and methods for protecting personal data, which is crucial in the face of contemporary information challenges.

The sessions were conducted at a high academic and scientific level. Both lecturers and participants actively engaged in discussions, enhancing a thorough understanding of the topics presented. The project team expresses sincere gratitude to all participants for their active involvement and looks forward to further collaboration in upcoming educational initiatives.

Участь у заході взяли понад 130 осіб, серед яких були науковці, студенти вищих навчальних закладів, учні шкіл, а також представники державної влади та місцевого самоврядування. Літня школа зібрала учасників з різних регіонів України, що дозволило обмінятися досвідом і налагодити нові професійні зв’язки.

Програма заходу була насиченою: вона включала 8 годин лекційних занять та 8 годин практичних сесій, які проводилися на сучасній платформі Examenarium. Лекції покривали широкий спектр тем, від теоретичних основ захисту даних до аналізу конкретних кейсів кібератак і методів їх нейтралізації.

Особливу увагу на заході приділили практичним аспектам захисту інформації. Учасники мали можливість відпрацювати навички ідентифікації кіберзагроз та методи захисту персональних даних, що є надзвичайно важливим в умовах сучасних інформаційних викликів.

Заняття відбулися на високому навчально-науковому рівні. Викладачі та учасники літньої школи активно брали участь у дискусіях, що сприяло глибокому розумінню розкритих тем. Команда проєкту висловлює щиру подяку всім учасникам за активну участь і сподівається на подальшу співпрацю у рамках наступних освітніх ініціатив.

Summer School “Protection of personal data and cyber security: European experience in conditions of military conflict”Launched

Today, at the Academic and Research Institute of Law of Sumy State University, the Summer School “Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity: European Experience in the Context of Military Conflict” was officially launched. This event is held as part of the educational project under the Jean Monnet direction within the framework of the EU Erasmus program 101125350 – EUEPPDC – ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE “EU Experience in Data Protection in Cyberspace.”

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