The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

On February 21, 2024, an open lecture was held for applicants of the OP “Intellectual Property”

Anton Polikarpov, a recognised expert in the legal field, recently conducted an online lecture for students of the educational-professional programme “Intellectual Property”. Thanks to his more than fourteen years of experience in the field of intellectual property law, where he specialises particularly in the protection of intellectual property assets, Polikarpov is a reliable source of knowledge and practical advice.

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An exciting activity of the scientific circle: conversations about cyber security

This week, an important event took place at our department – the holding of a class of the scientific group “Criminal offenses in the field of cyber security”. The class, which was led by the senior teacher of the Criminal Law and Procedure department, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Mykhailo Dumchikov, turned out to be very productive and informative.

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Start of the course “EU Experience on the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace” for bachelor’s students in the specialty 081 “Law”

Students of the Bachelor’s program in Law have embarked on a unique course titled “EU Experience in Personal Data Protection in Cyberspace.” This initiative is part of Project No.101125350 EUEPPDC, aimed at studying the advanced European approach to cybersecurity and personal data protection.

The course is designed for students choosing the legal field, providing them with the opportunity to master key aspects of personal data protection in the modern digital environment. Lectures will include an analysis of European regulations, advanced technologies, and best practices in the field of cybersecurity.

One of the course lecturers, project leader Mykhailo Dumchyk, expressed hope that students will not only acquire in-depth knowledge in this important field but will also be able to apply it in their future professional activities. “The course aims to broaden the horizons of students and deepen their understanding of the modern challenges of cyberspace, where the protection of personal data is defined by new standards and technologies,” he noted.

Students have shown interest and actively participated in discussions during the lectures. The course promises to be a significant stage in preparing future lawyers for the challenges of the digital age and working in the field of personal data protection.

Stay tuned for more updates on the project in the near future.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”

Official opening of EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet projects

On December 12, 2023, Mykhailo Dumchykov and Marina Utkina, a senior lecturer at the Department, took part in the kick-off event for the coordinators of the winning projects of the 2023 European Union Erasmus + Program under the direction of Jean Monnet. The European Executive Agency organized the meeting for Education and Culture (EASEA) to provide participants with informational and organizational support in project implementation and implementation of grant agreements.

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Results of the open lecture on the topic “Academic culture and integrity in higher education institutions”

On December 11, an open lecture by Hanna Tkachenko, an expert of the Office of Integrity of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, was held for the winners of the OP “Intellectual Property” on the topic “Academic Culture and Integrity in Higher Education.” During the lecture, Ms. Anna spoke about the powers of the Integrity Office of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, integrity, academic freedom, academic culture in higher education institutions and types of violations of academic integrity. Applicants participated in surveys and could ask questions.


Participation in the II National Forum on Intellectual Property and Innovation “IP LET FORUM”

Співробітник кафедри КПДС, Руслана ДЕГТЯР та Євгенія ЛИТВИНЕНКО, взяли участь у ІІ Національному форумі з інтелектуальної власності та інновацій «IP LET FORUM», який відбувся 1-2 грудня.

Захід, зібрав учасників з представників влади, міжнародної спільноти, експертів у галузі інтелектуальної власності, правознавців, економістів, підприємців та творчих індустрій. Форум проведено з метою обміну ідеями та розроблення стратегій розвитку сфери інтелектуальної власності з метою досягнення перемог та сприяння інноваційному зростанню України.

Серед спікерів форуму:  представники Верховної Ради України, Міністерства економіки, Міністерства оборони, Міністерства стратегічних галузей промисловості, Ради національної безпеки і оборони, судді Верховного Суду, правоохоронних органів, експертів з інтелектуальної власності, науковців та представників бізнесу.