From October 1, 2023, the implementation of the educational project ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE – ERASMUS2027 – 101125350 – “EUEPPDC”: EU EXPERIENCE ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN CYBERSPACE of the Jean Monnet Module of the Erasmus+ program began on criminal law disciplines and judicial proceedings.
The working group for the project includes the head of the department Bondarenko Olha, senior teacher of the department Utkina Marina, senior teacher of the department Dumchykov Mykhailo (project coordinator), associate professor of the cyber security department Obodyak Viktor.

Today, humanity lives in the era of information society and digitalisation. In addition, a significant part of life occurs online, in social networks, and in messengers. Thus, against the background of the rapid development of technology, information about a person becomes a precious commodity. By signing the Association Agreement with the EU, Ukraine agreed to protect personal data per European standards.
At the same time, the current state of legal regulation of personal data protection in Ukraine does not meet GDPR standards.
Furthermore, the issue of personal data protection in cyberspace needs to be appropriately described in the legislation of Ukraine. The identified problematic aspects are aggravated due to the lack of legal knowledge and the appropriate legal culture of the population in the context of personal data protection in general and in cyberspace. Yes, the level of digital literacy of the population is relatively low.
The project corresponds to one of the priorities of the program, as it involves the study and implementation of transformational processes in the digital (cyber) environment through the improvement of digital skills and digital literacy in the context of the protection of personal data in cyberspace and the development of competence at all levels of society (pupils, students, teachers, members of the public and local self-government bodies).

Project goals
- raising the level of legal culture and legal awareness of students, school pupils, teachers of primary and other institutions of higher education, and representatives of local self-government bodies in the field of personal data protection in cyberspace;
- the proposed project improves the quality of education using innovative methods, as it involves an interdisciplinary approach with the involvement of legal experts and specialists in the field of information security, thanks to which a comprehensive approach to the protection of personal data in cyberspace based on EU standards will be offered;
- development of a system of skills among representatives of the academic environment, students of higher and secondary education, as well as representatives of local self-government bodies regarding ensuring the principles of legality, justice, transparency, confidentiality, and goal limitation, to protect digital identity in cyberspace based on GDPR standards; formation of digital competences.
The project implementation program is designed for implementation in 2023-2026 and the main component is the teaching of the subject “EU Experience in the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace” to students of the Academic and Research Institute of Law and Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies as part of the curriculum and a number of activities that will be of interest to lawyers, teachers, students and to a wide range of public.
Information on project activities and upcoming events can be found at the link, as well as on the project’s Facebook page.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”