The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

Participation of the head of the department in the discussion of the project of the Communication Strategy in the field of prevention and counteraction of corruption for 2023–2025


On September 12, 2023, the head of the department, Olga BONDARENKO, took part in the discussion of the project of the Communication Strategy in the field of prevention and countering corruption for 2023-2025. In particular, Olha Serhiivna emphasized the importance of using current terminology. She noted that the term “bribe” is not used in anti-corruption regulatory acts. Therefore, when formulating questionnaire questions, it is important to use the very concept of “unjustified benefit”. After all, the artificial replacement of concepts can lead to a false impression of the subject of corruption offenses. In addition, the task of the Strategy is to educate citizens, therefore it is advisable to ensure a correct understanding of the essence of corruption acts, namely that the subject of corruption criminal offenses is not only money or other property, but also advantages, benefits and services of an intangible nature. Also discussed were the issues of the terms of implementation and specifics of the implementation of the Communication Strategy in the field of prevention and countering corruption for 2023-2025 under martial law.
