The Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

Academic and Research Institute of law

Sumy state university

First-Year Report on the Implementation of the Educational Project ERASMUS-JMO-2023-MODULE – ERASMUS2027 – 101125350 – “EUEPPDC”: EU Experience in the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace.


The Department of Criminal Law and Justice Reports on the Successful Completion of the First Year of the Educational Project Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Module.
The “EUEPPDC” project is dedicated to researching and implementing European experience in the protection of personal data in cyberspace.

During the first year, the following key outcomes were achieved:

  • A course titled “EU Experience in the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace” was developed and made available in open access on the “Examinerium” platform.
  • A summer school on the topic “Personal Data Protection and Cybersecurity: European Experience During Military Conflict” was held, attracting a large number of participants from various universities and institutions.
  • Several academic articles were published in leading Ukrainian and international peer-reviewed journals, including:
    • “Problematic Aspects of Personal Data Protection on the Internet”;
    • “Protection of Personal Data and Privacy During Military Conflicts”;
    • “Protection of Digital Identity: A Study of EU and Ukrainian Experience”;
    • “The Concept of Information Human Rights: International Experience – Ukrainian Realities”;
    • “A Comparative Analysis of Ukraine’s and the EU’s Regulatory Requirements in the Field of Cybersecurity and Personal Data Protection”;
    • “Targeted Advertising and Protection of Personal Data: Implementation in the Context of European Integration.”

Plans for the Second Year of the Project:

  • Continue publishing academic articles on the project’s topic.
  • Update the course “EU Experience in the Protection of Personal Data in Cyberspace”.
  • Conduct a workshop titled “Practical Aspects of Personal Data Protection on the Internet”.
  • Revise the course syllabus.
  • Develop a practical guide on cyber hygiene.

