Кафедра кримінально – правових дисциплін та судочинства


Head of Department, candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor.


Department of Criminal Law and Procedure.  Department is part of the institute of law of SSU and carries out preparation of specialists of educational-qualification level bachelor, specialist and master.


The main objective of the Department is to train qualified specialists who have leadership and high moral quality, are competitive in the labour market, effectively communicates in a professional, corporate and public environment, with social mobility and are in constant demand from employers.


To accomplish the task:

  • openly and organizationally and methodically ensured the functioning of the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “Management of financial and economic security”, “Intellectual property”;
  • the teaching staff includes doctors and candidates of legal Sciences, graduates of leading universities of Ukraine and the best graduates of SSU;
  • installed and configured contacts with employers for placement of graduates of the Department;
  • implemented a program of practical training in the Department of justice, prison service, government bodies, Executive service, judicial administration, law enforcement, enterprises and institutions;
  • students have the opportunity to receive the rank of reserve officer in the military Department of Sumy state University.

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